Making a cardboard robot with my son, and listening to him cheer me on when I did something right, such as give the robot ears. Making dinner for only me, Val (My MIL), and Theo. Theo eating dinner without complaints. My son begging to help me clean up after dinner. Sitting on the couch watching a bedtime movie with Theo, writing easy words such as A, I, It, See, In, No, Yes, Like, etc. on a magna doodle and having him read them successfully, after being sent home a list notifying me that that needs a good deal of work. Win!
Watching him brush his teeth, he manages to make it funny. Watching him kiss and hug his Grandma, they have a special thing. Lying in his bed and reading a book of numbers with him. (Small Story: He recently got bored printing numbers the correct way, so he started making them sideways and/or upside down, backwards, etc. and he forgot which way is correct. We're working like crazy, with numbers everywhere. Just to go to the bathroom he usually has to pass six number checkpoints. Anyways, lying there, seeing him so excited for the next page, next number, it was awesome.)
Settling him down and turning off the light, saying goodnight, and walking out the door of his bedroom realizing that he is not such a little boy anymore. He's grown a lot in the past six months, both physically and emotionally, and he's not a big boy yet. He's just Boy. Not little, but not big.